Talks & Hands-on workshops
“Ma santé passe par mes microbiotes, de l'enfant à l'adulte” is the second edition of a free and interactive national campaign to create awareness and inform people about how microbiota affects health. Obesity, digestive disorders and allergies, low immunity, depression, vaginal infections... what if the one thing all these health issues have in common is imbalanced gut bacteria?
The talks and workshops got underway on 1st October.
Pharmacy sessions will be held throughout October, all over France.
The campaign includes 4 interactive workshops
1. Microbiota starts at birth
Colic, constipation, reflux, diarrhoea... 52% of babies experience tummy problems, and the same number of parents find themselves in a hopeless situation. What if all these issues were caused by gut bacteria? Whether babies are born naturally or by C-section, whether they are breastfed or bottle fed... these factors will influence the health of these future adults. Test your knowledge and chat to our experts!

2. How to cook for your digestive profile
« Do you know your digestive profile? » Fill in a questionnaire to identify your own profile and learn how to cook accordingly. Using a recipe, find out what the best ingredients for your digestive profile are so you can enjoy delicious meals that will keep you and your microbiota happy.
This workshop is run by a dietician/nutritionist.

3. Sophrology and microbiota
This workshop will include sophrology exercises to improve digestive comfort, help the digestion process, and heighten people’s awareness of their stomach and groin.
This workshop is run by a healthcare professional.

4. What’s your microbiota like?
Personalised advice.