PiLeJe’s Expertise in Phytotherapy
PiLeJe applies its expertise to the control and management of every stage in the process of producing its phytotherapy health solutions. From the selection of the plant species (there are more than 2000 species for some plants!) and the choice of growing conditions to the development of the finished product (tailored pharmaceutical preparation, packaging).
Since 1998, PiLeJe has used fresh plants as the raw material for its health solutions and has developed its own specific process to preserve, extract and package the compounds contained in these plants.
A key element of this process is PiLeJe’s extraction technique which ensures that the active and useful ingredients recovered from the plant are as similar as possible to those contained in the original plant. This set of active and useful ingredients is known as the “totum” of the plant, and their synergistic combination is responsible for the plant’s unique therapeutic properties.