1. The PiLeJe Foundation under the patronage of the Fondation de France
PiLeJe’s strong commitment to health gave rise to the PiLeJe Foundation, which was created in 2005 under the patronage of the Fondation de France. The PiLeJe Foundation is a nonprofit organisation which helps us to promote sustainable health by encouraging people to take their health into their own hands.
The PiLeJe Foundation works towards 5 main goals:
- Educating as many people as possible about the importance of taking responsibility for their health by providing information and health education at all stages of life;
- Providing wide-scale access to knowledge and awareness about diet, exercise, sleep and stress management, to improve people’s overall quality of life and help them stay healthier for longer;
- Being involved in discussions and consultations on prevention policies and thereby helping to incorporate new and approved non-medicinal methods, approaches and treatments into the healthcare journey;
- Supporting research, training and innovation which focus on individualised preventive health measures;
- Helping to improve the health and well-being of those who are most vulnerable.

2. Other charities and foundations
Our decision to support these organisations is guided by our group values of ethics and collective intelligence.
PiLeJe and the Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris both want to advance research by providing more resources which will benefit millions of patients, and this shared ambition led PiLeJe to become the AP-HP Research Foundation’s major sponsor in 2018.
The AP-HP Research Foundation helps to fund research conducted at the AP-HP’s 39 hospitals in Paris - the biggest university hospital site in Europe. Their teams conduct almost half of all clinical research carried out in France, which benefits the 10 million patients treated at its hospitals every year.

Since 2015, PiLeJe has actively supported “Les Médecins de Chinguetti-Pakbeng”, a humanitarian charity run by Dr Claudine Chican which delivers medical treatment to impoverished populations.
The charity works in Mauritania, Laos and Senegal, in areas with specific geographic and demographic characteristics, more specifically among poor, nomadic and ethnic minority populations in remote locations who do not have access to healthcare.
The organisation obtained charity status in 2014 and intervenes in several ways: skills sharing with local doctors, training local nurses and caregivers, and providing medicines and equipment which are used alongside local methods and natural and inexpensive products to avoid driving the population towards consumerism and dependency.

In a move towards a more holistic and individualised approach to treating patients, PiLeJe has chosen to support Centre Ressource, a nonprofit organisation which obtained charity status in 2007. Centre Ressource provides cancer patients with access to a wide spectrum of support services including psychologists, beauticians, social workers and occupational physicians. Centre Ressource offers its services to all cancer patients - men, women and children and their families - during and after their treatment. It is not attached to a healthcare facility and does not provide any sort of medical treatment. The centre offers all types of therapies that can help patients feel better, which are provided at means-tested prices.

3. Associations of health professionals
The PiLeJe laboratory is a partner of two training institutes: the European Institute of Dietetics and Micronutrition - IEDM and the Medical College for Behavioral Nutrition - CMNC. These organizations set up initial training in these disciplines and deliver a complete curriculum, from the basics of practice to perfecting.
The Institut Européen de Diététique et Micronutrition (IEDM) is a French nonprofit organisation. The IEDM (European Institute of Diet and Micronutrition) was founded by healthcare professionals in 1997 with the aim of amplifying information and education about dietetics and micronutrition among healthcare professionals and the general public. As one of the founding organisations of micronutrition, PiLeJe has been a partner of the institute since its early days.

The medical college for behavioral nutrition - CMNC, created in November 2012, was born at the initiative of general practitioners and nutritionists invested in the management of all the pathologies related to weight imbalances: metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cancers, osteoarticulars, undernutrition...

4. Sports Partners
As a true partner of performance, the PiLeJe laboratory has been supporting high-level athletes for many years in all stages of their career, while striving to respect strong values such as team spirit and collective intelligence and the human adventure.
The intensive practice of sport puts the body to the test and an adapted complementation can help the athlete achieve the desired performance.